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What is the archive?


The archive is a confidential storage facility for Glen DNA swabs, along with supporting pedigree and health information, for use in future health research projects. Swabs from the archive can be used in a 'blind' (anonymised) study to determine the mutation frequency i.e. how many Glens carry the gene mutation for a particular disease for which there is a DNA test. Swabs can also be used posthumously, meaning that even deceased Glens can participate in a research project.


All you need to do to support this important health initiative, is send off five buccal (cheek) swabs from your Glen, plus a copy of your Glen’s pedigree and the submission form to the Canine Genetics Centre (KCGC) at Cambridge University.


Contributions to the archive are welcomed from non-UK resident Glens, as well as those resident in the UK ... from Glens of all ages and health status.


Request a swab kit


Please contact the KCGC by email to request swab kits.



















​It is important to notify the CGC ... by email or by post ... of any new diagnosis, new health screening result, and also date & cause of death when that sad time comes. If possible, please also supply copies of any supporting documentation.

























​Donate to the Canine Genetics Centre


  • If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the CGC, please visit the CGC Funding page.

  • Please reference CGC Glen archive in the message box on the 'Your donation summary' page.

  • Thank you!




Please use the CGC's 'Sample Request Form' ... don't forget to note the breed and check the 'Breed Archive' box.


Alternatively, please make your request by email to and include the following information:


Subject:    Swab kit request for Glen DNA Archive


  • Your full name

  • Your postal address including post code or zip code and country

  • Number of swab kits you require (one kit per Glen)


Contributions to the archive are welcomed from non-UK resident Glens, as well as those resident in the UK ... from Glens of all ages and health status.


Thank you very much for your valued support!



Please provide the following information in your update notification:


Subject/Re:    Update for Glen DNA Archive


  • Kennel Club registered name of your Glen

  • Date of birth of your Glen

  • Health issue + age/date at diagnosis OR Health screening result + age/date test performed OR Date & cause of death (including old age)


If possible, please also supply copies (not originals) of any supporting documentation with your update notification.


By email to:


By post to:  The Canine Genetics Centre (Glen archive)

Department of Veterinary Medicine

University of Cambridge

Madingley Road

Cambridge CB3 0ES

United Kingdom


N.B. Please also notify change of address, contact details or ownership.

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